Sunday, August 2, 2009

So it begins

Now I've always wondered, "Why would anyone care what I blog about?" I've had friends who are apparently super-bloggers, and some who have been trendsetters in the online webcam/blog thing. Even the 2 year old child of a friend has his own blog! (Though I have to say, I love getting to follow through his childhood though I am far away!)

So I've started my own blog. More so that I can get things off my chest, I suppose. It simply occurred to me that my husband and family gripe about the same things.... And I do mean the SAME things, on a fairly daily basis. Much of it you hear other people griping about. Kinda the common man's (or woman's) gripes. Makes me think about Peter Griffin and "What Grinds My Gears", Family Guy fans!

One close pal has told me that I can't stop looking for ways to improve things. I suppose that this would be a nice way to tell me that no matter how good things get, there is something that I will complain about. Some of these things I can't change, but hopefully I'll be able to affect change in others!

Or maybe it will just allow me to bitch and get on with movin' on. It is what it is.